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Gabinet stomatologiczny lek. Krol Katarzyna in Skawina | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More
Located in Skawina, Poland specializes in Dentist and has earned a 5 rating.
About Gabinet stomatologiczny lek. Krol Katarzyna
Gabinet stomatologiczny lek. Krol Katarzyna (Dentist) is located at Willowa 21, 32-050 Skawina, Poland.
Other Category:
Dental Crown, Dental Implant, Dental Braces, Root canal treatment, Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Filling, Dental Consultation
Average Prices (minimum – maximum):
Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 290 (PLN) 1000 (PLN)
Root canal treatment: 360 (PLN) 1100 (PLN)
Dental Filling: 210 (PLN) 330 (PLN)
Dental Clean and Polish: 210 (PLN) 350 (PLN)
Dental Implant: 3900 (PLN) 7100 (PLN)
Dental Braces: 4200 (PLN) 14000 (PLN)
Address & Location
Gabinet stomatologiczny lek. Krol Katarzyna is located at Willowa 21, 32-050 Skawina, Poland.
0.0 out of 5.0 stars0.0
My wife just came back from your place and was very happy. She said that the sevice was completely professional and all with a painless way of giving injections. Now, she wants me to go…. 🙂 Thankyou for taking good care of my wife… 🙂
Najlepszy stomatolog u jakiego bylam a mam juz troche lat 😉 wiec o czyms to swiadczy. Profesjonalne podejscie do pacjenta i ogromna empatia;) a takze perfekcyjnie wykonanie leczenia. Polecam z cala odpowiedzialnoscia !
Dobrzy specjalisci. Wszystko milo i przyjemnie. Ceny jak wszedzie. Bardzo dlugie terminy.