Center Medical And Dental Brest in Brest | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Brest, France specializes in Medical Center and has earned a 3.7 rating.

About Center Medical And Dental Brest

Center Medical And Dental Brest (Medical Center) is located at 7 Rue Victor Hugo, 29200 Brest, France.

Other Category:

Medical Center


Dental Braces, Dental Filling, Dental Consultation, Dental Implant, Root canal treatment, Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Crown

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 50 (EUR)   530 (EUR)
Root canal treatment: 160 (EUR)   700 (EUR)
Dental Filling: 30 (EUR)   240 (EUR)
Dental Clean and Polish: 40 (EUR)   100 (EUR)
Dental Implant: 1700 (EUR)   19000 (EUR)
Dental Braces: 1100 (EUR)   3500 (EUR)

Address & Location

Center Medical And Dental Brest is located at 7 Rue Victor Hugo, 29200 Brest, France.

3.7 out of 5.0 stars

I’m not sure how many English people are registered with the dentists at Sante Plus in Brest?
But I thought if there are any, then I should give my experience of what happened to me today, in the hope that it might save any English customers from assuming what I did and leaving a little disappointed because of my misunderstanding the system….
I’ve had a mutuelle since I moved to France four years ago and it has always paid my medical bills automatically for things like visiting my Doctor, prescriptions, x-rays, my wifes visits to the gynecologist and eye tests and getting new glasses from the optician.
So I assumed that this automatic mutuelle payment would apply to dentistry too.
So we arrived today after several visits to have bad teeth removed and preparatory work for dentures – It was supposed to be the day that we finally got our new dentures fitted so we were looking forward to being able to eat normally again.
Our lovely dentist (Dr Andre Catarro) had explained to us that our mutuelle would pay all of the costs for our new teeth after we submitted the devis he had given us, so we were happy – All was good.
Now here is the part we didn’t realise …
So, we arrived at Sante Plus and it was explained to us that we must pay immediately around 1200EUR for our new teeth, and then apply to our mutuelle for the reimbursement.
Obviously we weren’t expecting to get a bill for 1200EUR so we had arrived without bringing a credit card or cheque book, so it was no new teeth for us today .
So, if there are any English dentistry patients reading this, don’t make the same mistake that we did – When it comes to the appointment to get your new teeth BRING YOUR CHEQUE BOOK!
The people on the reception couldn’t have been any nicer when they were confronted with an old grumpy Englishman who didn’t understand the system, and I was (thankfully) given two options …
1/. Go away and speak to my mutuelle and arrange for them to pay Sante Plus – I didn’t like this option because I find it really difficult to communicate in French on the telephone because I’ve tried speaking to my mutuelle in the past and the person on the phone got very angry with me because I couldn’t understand because they were speaking too quickly – They actually put the phone down !
2/. The second option is much better! – Sante Plus have a finance office that will communicate with your mutuelle and arrange payment directly with them.
We decided on option two.
I don’t want to criticise the lovely people at Sante Plus in any way because they have been universally kind and understanding.
But I would offer Sante Plus some advice when dealing with English people.
The English healthcare system is free, there are no mutuelles so the idea of a mutuelle is difficult to understand.
And if the mutuelle pays automatically for most of the other medical services in France then an ignorant English person (like me) might assume that dentistry is included.
So if the dentist says “the mutuelle will pay for all of your treatment” that usually means to an English person that you don’t have to come with your cheque book.
So, in conclusion, I would advise Sante Plus to tell any current or future English patients that even though the mutuelle will pay all of the expenses, it is necessary to pay Sante Plus first or arrange for the Sante Plus finance office to contact the mutuelle.
Par ou commencer j’etait suivi par un de vos dentiste qui m’a arracher des dents tel un boucher l’ete dernier pour ensuite me faire un devis pour remplacer les dents chose qui n’a jamais abouti etant donner qu’il es parti de votre cabinet subitement il a ete remplacer on m’a dis de rappeler pour reprendre rendez vous en septembre octobre chose que j’ai faite et au final quand j’appelle on me dis << rappeler debut fevrier nos planning sont pleins >> chose que j’ai faite egalement au final on me donne un rendez vous debut avril pour m’appeler quelque jours plutard me disant que la dentiste etait en conge a la periode ou l’ont ma donner le rendez vous on me le reporte a debut mai et on m’appelle encore pour me dire que cette fois ci la dentiste etait en formation, on me redonne un rendez vous fin mai conclusion on se moque litteralement de moi je me retrouve a attendre depuis plus de 6 mois avec des dents qui on ete arracher et non remplacer j’ai eu assez de patience avec ce cabinet j’ai trouver un autre dentiste au top cette fois ci et qui fais correctement sont travail. Bon courage a ceux qui n’auront pas le choix d’aller chez le dentiste la bas.
Une experience catastrophique ! Je tombe avec une dentiste qui ne semble pas comprendre mon probleme DU TOUT et me laisse repartir en ayant absolument rien fait (si ce n’est me proposer un detartrage ah ah) alors que j’ai pourtant pris rendez-vous pour urgence dentaire. Avant de quitter les lieux j’ai quand-meme pu faire une radio de derniere minute , mais ca n’a encore une fois rien change, la dentiste s’obstinant a me parler de probleme “esthetique” alors que j’ai une prothese qui bouge, s’avance et me fait tres mal tous les jours. Sans oublier le moment ou la dentiste m’a violemment tape sur la dent pour voir si j’avais vraiment mal et tenter ensuite de la replacer a la main en appuyant dessus avec force : a ce moment-la je me suis vraiment demandee si j’etais bien dans un cabinet dentaire avec des professionnels ou si ce n’etait pas une camera cachee. Je suis donc repartie avec une facture de 23EUR pour aucunes solutions, une dent mal placee qui continue a me faire mal et rien pour soigner la douleur. Pas merci.

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