Clinic Kwiatek in Lubon | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Lubon, Poland specializes in Dental clinic and has earned a 4.7 rating.

About Clinic Kwiatek

Clinic Kwiatek (Dental clinic) is located at Kordeckiego 22, 60-144 Poznan, Poland.

Other Category:

Dental clinic, Dental hygienist, Dental implants periodontist, Dentist, Endodontist, Oral surgeon, Orthodontist, Pediatric dentist, Periodontist, Prosthodontist


Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Implant, Dental Consultation, Dental Filling, Root canal treatment, Dental Braces, Dental Crown

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 220 (PLN)   1100 (PLN)
Root canal treatment: 420 (PLN)   1100 (PLN)
Dental Filling: 200 (PLN)   340 (PLN)
Dental Clean and Polish: 210 (PLN)   360 (PLN)
Dental Implant: 4200 (PLN)   7300 (PLN)
Dental Braces: 4700 (PLN)   14000 (PLN)

Address & Location

Clinic Kwiatek is located at Kordeckiego 22, 60-144 Poznan, Poland.
Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors

4.7 out of 5.0 stars

Lepiej trafic nie moglam!!!! W Klinice Kwiatek pare miesiecy temu dr. Oskar Barczak wszczepil mi 4 implanty po 4 miesiacach nastepne 8 jednorazowo w tym usunol mi kilka zebow, poniewaz po niefortunnych wizytach w innych placowkach przez wiele lat nie bylo juz co ratowac i dlatego zdecydowalam sie na nowe kompletne przywrocenie usmiechu i tez tak sie stalo .dr.Barczak jest mistrzem swiata w tym co robi kompetentny ,zdolny,precyzyjny itd.dlugo mozna by pisac .. musze rowniez dodac ze w tym wszystkim pomagala doktorowi przemila Pani higienistka i asystentka Zuzanna ktora dodawala mi w tamtym dniu duzo otuchy:)..Jeszcze tego samego dnia mialam przyjemnosc poznac niesamowita Pania dr.Sylwie Pokorska ktora juz odrazu przyprawila mnie o lzy szczescia poniewaz przykrecila mi prace tymczasowa i wyszlam tamtego dnia z kliniki z przepieknymi zebami. No i minelo 6 miesiecy wszystko sie pieknie zagoilo a w miedzy czasie dr. Pokorska zaprojektowala moj juz teraz niewyobrazalnie piekny usmiech …to jest az nie do wiary jaka profesjonalistka a do tego jeszcze przemila osoba jest Pani doktor Pokorska. I dlatego tez chcialabym jeszcze raz serdecznie podziekowac za tak wspaniala i Profesjonalna opieke , rowniez dla technikow ktorych nie widac a robia wspaniala robote i reszty personelu. Dziekuje!!! Monika Duda
I don’t recommend this clinic. It is overcrowded and you have to wait long time for each subsequent visit. Moreover they schedule as many “extra” visits/consultations as possible so the effective treatment process is extremely long. There are so many different specialists and everyone has to “touch” you before they make the decision. At first glance it looks professional but in reality you feel like in “Trial” by Franz Kafka. It is all about the money. I have stopped treatment process in this clinic because I felt lost like in big corpo.
Feels like a corporation, doctor forgot what we were discussing during previous visits, the appointments are far between, the process takes quite long. Appointment was moved the same day (cause the laboratory “forgot” to prepare smth), I already had to make arrangements at work – really unprofessional. Finally, mock-up reconstruction literally fell out the same day (it was supposed to last 14 days). If that’s the quality I was supposed to pay good money for, I think I’ll find another dentist. Unfortunately can’t recommend.

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