Dental Clinic SmartDental Tomasz Kozerski in Krakow | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Krakow, Poland specializes in Dental clinic and has earned a 4.8 rating.

About Dental Clinic SmartDental Tomasz Kozerski

Dental Clinic SmartDental Tomasz Kozerski (Dental clinic) is located at Grazyny 18/4U, 31-213 Krakow, Poland.

Other Category:

Dental clinic


Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Braces, Dental Consultation, Dental Crown, Dental Filling, Dental Implant, Root canal treatment

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 320 (PLN)   1000 (PLN)
Root canal treatment: 480 (PLN)   1100 (PLN)
Dental Filling: 200 (PLN)   320 (PLN)
Dental Clean and Polish: 200 (PLN)   360 (PLN)
Dental Implant: 3800 (PLN)   6000 (PLN)
Dental Braces: 4300 (PLN)   14000 (PLN)

Address & Location

Dental Clinic SmartDental Tomasz Kozerski is located at Grazyny 18/4U, 31-213 Krakow, Poland.
Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors

4.8 out of 5.0 stars

Dr. Tomasz Kozerski is your expat dentist! He’s very gentle and has a very calming vibe. I’m terrified of the dentist’s chair and hadn’t darkened the door of a dentist in 8 years… but I got through it like a champ with Dr. K!

He speaks English very well. The receptionist also speaks English and was very professional, warm and friendly! I haven’t met with the other dentists in the practice, so I can’t speak on them. I can highly recommend Dr. Kozerski though. It’s the Gentle Dental experience in Krakow.

Prices are reasonable, but the practice is (understandably) booked about a month out. You can book online, and they send you a confirmation text in Polish the day before. If you don’t understand the text, be sure to call the practice and let them know you’re still planning on coming. In my case, the receptionist called me up (in English) to ask if I was still coming.

I can’t recommend Dr. Kozerski enough. Are your teeth overdue for some care? Americans, I”m talking to you. You know you haven’t seen a dentist in ages. Don’t wait until you’re in agony. Go and get your mouth fixed up by Dr. K!

Kameralny gabinet z kameralna atmosfera. Mozna umowic sie online, telefonicznie i na miejscu. Kazda wizyta poprzedzona jest przypomnieniem i prosba o potwierdzenie na kilka dni przed. Mozna placic karta lub gotowka. Na miejscu dobry sprzet, roentgen. Atmosfera bardzo przyjazna, zawsze z usmiechem i milym podejsciem. Leczenie, higienizacja z pelna precyzja, starannoscia i cierpliwoscia. Polecam!
Od dziecka towarzyszy mi strach przed dentysta. Pan Tomasz Kozerski to jedyny specjalista w tej dziedzinie, u ktorego moge spokojnie siedziec na fotelu. Jestem pacjentka od hohoho lat i nie ma mowy o jakiekolwiek zmianie. Jednym slowem pelen profesjonalizm.

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