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Dental Star Kamila Zdrzalik in Radom | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More
Located in Radom, Poland specializes in Dentist and has earned a 5 rating.
About Dental Star Kamila Zdrzalik
Dental Star Kamila Zdrzalik (Dentist) is located at Olsztynska 39, 26-610 Radom, Poland.
Other Category:
Dental Consultation, Dental Crown, Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Filling, Root canal treatment, Dental Implant, Dental Braces
Average Prices (minimum – maximum):
Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 250 (PLN) 1100 (PLN)
Root canal treatment: 310 (PLN) 1100 (PLN)
Dental Filling: 240 (PLN) 330 (PLN)
Dental Clean and Polish: 230 (PLN) 340 (PLN)
Dental Implant: 4000 (PLN) 7400 (PLN)
Dental Braces: 4800 (PLN) 14000 (PLN)
Address & Location
Dental Star Kamila Zdrzalik is located at Olsztynska 39, 26-610 Radom, Poland.

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Goraco polecam Pania Doktor Kamile, super podejscie, pelen profesjonalizm. Dokladnie wytlumaczyla nam plan dalszego leczenia. Na pewno bedziemy regularnie wracac. Terminy nie sa odlegle. Gabinet pieknie urzadzony (az nie chce sie z niego wychodzic). Polecam kazdemu
Polecam. Wspaniala i empatyczna Pani Doktor, leczymy sie u niej cala rodzina. Leczenie przebiega sprawnie i w milej atmosferze. Zawsze proponuje najlepsze rozwiazania. Dobra dostepnosc terminow.