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Dlucik Daniel. Private dental practice in Katowice | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More
Located in Katowice, Poland specializes in Dentist and has earned a 4.7 rating.
About Dlucik Daniel. Private dental practice
Dlucik Daniel. Private dental practice (Dentist) is located at Malopolska 1, 40-722 Katowice, Poland.
Other Category:
Dentist, Cosmetic dentist, Dental clinic, Dental implants periodontist, Dental laboratory, Dental radiology, Oral surgeon, Pediatric dentist, Prosthodontist
Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Implant, Dental Consultation, Dental Crown, Root canal treatment, Dental Filling, Dental Braces
Average Prices (minimum – maximum):
Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 250 (PLN) 1000 (PLN)
Root canal treatment: 340 (PLN) 1100 (PLN)
Dental Filling: 180 (PLN) 320 (PLN)
Dental Clean and Polish: 200 (PLN) 390 (PLN)
Dental Implant: 4400 (PLN) 6700 (PLN)
Dental Braces: 4400 (PLN) 14000 (PLN)
Address & Location
Dlucik Daniel. Private dental practice is located at Malopolska 1, 40-722 Katowice, Poland.

Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors
4.7 out of 5.0 stars
Last December ’23 I faced an accident and broke a tooth. I have heard of this clinic and have been recommended from this services from a close friend who attended there in the previous years, so I called and luckily they were able to make an appointment < 2 weeks.
Generally I had bad oral hygiene .sugar sodas, snacking, coffee, alcohol, on top of soft teeth and bruxism.
I have been trying several dental services within Spain, and last years in Poland but for years, going to the doctor has been always a chronical fear, pain, anxiety and disgust experience overall, let alone expenses.
I must add that as I am coming from Krakow specifically for their services, the clinic is between Katowice Ligota and Katowice Piotrowice, so it is easily reachable by train even. If you are in Katowice center, like train station, a taxi can be <15zl to reach there.
Upon arriving to my first visit I was quite surprised of how clean, neat and nice the clinic is, and every time I visit it has been like that. Receptionists are kind and calm but attentive, it's is a pleasure to talk with them. Once in the office, I was being treated by Dr Dlucik Junior, Robert Dlucik.
He took the time, patience and dedication to do all of the following:
Understand the situation, ask details, answer all my questions, make a proper plan and explain it in detail. It was a complete guided process and it felt secure all the time.
It was an overall calming sensation, to have an educated high qualified professional deeply understanding your issue and responding to medical concerns. As an example, I'm hypersensitive and I may need some more anesthesia.
The treatment I did there (so far, as im planning to continue going until complete) is this:
CBCT, treatment plan, scaling, extractions, bone graft, implants, open sinus, temporary crowns
The whole process was 100 painless. It was disturbing, of course, but as perfect quick and concise as it can be. Definitely not easy procedures, full respect and thankfulness for performing at this level consistently.
Additionally, he also show interest in recommend other vitamins, supplements, and general care recommendations. It's not come and go and get billed place.
Regarding prices, they all were beforehand explained during the planning. I had in mind to ask but they were being very transparent all the time. + In the website there are general prices overall. Generally dentistry is expensive, but I would say that more expensive is not to take care of your health. Poland is a good place to do dental treatments and this clinic its just simply TOP.
They also have the best materials and cutting edge tech equipment.
I've also been doing some digging and turns out their doctors, keep getting additional training and certifications. Very dedicated hardworking people - amazing.
I would add that some people( I, for instance, need to be educated on what needs to be done, and how, and approx. what is the time range will take) as some people believe that 1 visit will magically fix all, which is unrealistic.
Also, the habitual delays may happen, due to patients being late, not doctors
However at this point, I have to finish by saying that my only mistake was just to not go there before.
* Please note that this is a review from ~ 5 times I have been there, not only once.
+ Planning to go there to finish the whole treatment.
Niestety ale nie jestesmy zadowoleni z odbytych wizyt. Wizyta trwala doslownie 8min z zegarkiem w rece i kosztowala ladne pare stowek a bol wrocil. Wizyta ortodontyczna kosztowala rowniez nie malo- przedstawiono kolosalny koszt leczenia, do wyrwania 4 osemki- skonsultowalismy to z innym ortodonta i okazalo sie to nie prawda. Po okolo 3tyg od wizyty zadzwonila do nas Pani z problemem w glosie dlaczego nie powiadomilismy wczesniej o braku przyjscia na wizyte- ale jaka skoro nikt z nas nie umawial sie na kolejny termin 😉 personel lekarzy bardzo sympatyczny ale Pani z recepcji do zmiany (raczej byl to mlodszy glos) Nie wroce 🙁
Trafilam do dr Anny Skalbani-Dlucik na konsultacje, ktora byla bardzo profesjonalna i rzeczowa. Kolejna wizyta odbyla sie u dra Roberta Dlucika i mimo ze byla to podwojna ekstrakcja, Doktor mnie uspokoil, wszystko wyjasnil i przez caly czas trwania zabiegu i on, i Pani Asystentka (higienistka?) dopytywali o moje samopoczucie. Rekonwalescencja przebiegla dobrze, otrzymalam wszystkie zalecenia, wczoraj Pan doktor usunal mi szwy, wykonal ozonowanie, udzielil mi wyczerpujacej odpowiedzi w kwestii implantologii. Bardzo dziekuje i bardzo polecam, czulam sie zaopiekowana i bezpieczna.