Fujimaru Dental Clinic in Yurihonjo | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Yurihonjo, Japan specializes in Dentist and has earned a 4.8 rating.

About Fujimaru Dental Clinic

Fujimaru Dental Clinic (Dentist) is located at 18-1 Nakadatemachi, Yurihonjo, Akita 015-0803, Japan.

Other Category:



Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Braces, Dental Consultation, Root canal treatment, Dental Crown, Dental Implant, Dental Filling

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 7000 (JPY)   28000 (JPY)
Root canal treatment: 49000 (JPY)   88000 (JPY)
Dental Filling: 4700 (JPY)   19000 (JPY)
Dental Clean and Polish: 3600 (JPY)   21000 (JPY)
Dental Implant: 200000 (JPY)   480000 (JPY)
Dental Braces: 320000 (JPY)   920000 (JPY)

Address & Location

Fujimaru Dental Clinic is located at 18-1 Nakadatemachi, Yurihonjo, Akita 015-0803, Japan.
Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors

4.8 out of 5.0 stars

Xian Sheng yaChi Ke Wei Sheng Shi noDui Ying gatotemoLiang kuHuan Zhe niSui Shi Shuo Ming shinagaranoZhi Liao yaChu Zhi haFen kariyasukuLiang idesu.
Yuan Nei moQing Jie Gan gaarimasu.
Zhen Cha haBi zuYu Yue Zhi deDuo Shao nozurehaarimasu.
Wei Yi desugaZhu Che Chang gaShao shiXia inotoTai Shu gaXian rareruShi , Dai He Shi gaXia kuBei motarenoWu isohua-gaariChang Shi Jian , Zuo tsuteDai tsutoTong idesu. You , Dai He Shi noYi Zi niGao Ling noHuan Zhe sangaShang Zhao woTuo ideZhi Liao Shi niRu tsuteXing kuRen moJu rutameZuo renaiShi moarunodeChi tsuteZhong niRu tsuteXing kuyouniCu shiteYu shiidesu.
totemoJing kadeQing Jie Gan ari, Zhi Liao Yi Zi moQi Chi chiLiang kupuraibe-togaShou rareruGou Zao ninatsuteori, Hao Yin Xiang noShi She deshita. Xian Sheng haChi yaChi gukiQuan Ti noZhuang Tai , Bi Yao naZhi Liao yaShou Ru renoShi Fang nado, totemoDing Zhu niFen kariyasukuShuo Ming shitekuremasu. Zhi Liao moKan Hu Shi motekipakitoyatsutekure, Da Bian An Xin dekiteRen serareruChi Ke datoSi imashita.
Jin oShi Hua ninatsuteimasuga, Xian Sheng noJi Shu haQue kadeJie meWu wosuruShi noShi Shang garigaiidesu!
Ma Zui gaXiao kuQian denoJian , Se nnaChi Ke niGuan suruTi Yan Tan woHua shitekudasatsutarishimasu!
Zhu Che Chang noTai Shu gaShao nainode, Dian Hua Yu Yue shitekaraLai Yuan surukotowoosusumeshimasu.

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