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Gabinety Stomatologiczne Katarzyna Fudala-Tecza in Zakopane | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More
Located in Zakopane, Poland specializes in Dentist and has earned a 4.8 rating.
About Gabinety Stomatologiczne Katarzyna Fudala-Tecza
Gabinety Stomatologiczne Katarzyna Fudala-Tecza (Dentist) is located at Stanislawa Witkiewicza 1, 34-500 Zakopane, Poland.
Other Category:
Dentist, Cosmetic dentist, Dental laboratory, Oral surgeon, Pediatric dentist
Dental Braces, Root canal treatment, Dental Crown, Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Consultation, Dental Filling, Dental Implant
Average Prices (minimum – maximum):
Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 340 (PLN) 1100 (PLN)
Root canal treatment: 320 (PLN) 1100 (PLN)
Dental Filling: 200 (PLN) 370 (PLN)
Dental Clean and Polish: 200 (PLN) 330 (PLN)
Dental Implant: 3600 (PLN) 6800 (PLN)
Dental Braces: 4100 (PLN) 14000 (PLN)
Address & Location
Gabinety Stomatologiczne Katarzyna Fudala-Tecza is located at Stanislawa Witkiewicza 1, 34-500 Zakopane, Poland.

Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors
4.8 out of 5.0 stars
What a wonderful woman! We had the loveliest time (for a dentist hahah). I’m from the UK and found myself here based on a recommendation as well as Google reviews. I had a fear that my fillings were coming out when we got to Poland and the dentist was very polite and sweet. She understood my English perfectly and was super gentle. I had more decay unfortunately so she had to remove old fillings and replace with one large white filling. While she was drilling, she distracted me by counting down which was very sweet. She was very swift and professional. I had to run to get cash afterwards and she was super relaxed about it. A HUGE filling cost me just under half of what it would cost in the UK: 300zl! I FULLY recommend!
Chcialambym podzielic sie pozytywna opinia na temat przychodni stomatologicznej, w ktorej na urlopie mialam przyjemnosc odwiedzic. Pomimo, ze bol zeba byl ogromny i moje wizyty w ciagu tygodnia obejmowaly trzy krotnego spotkania w tym kanalowe leczenie i ostateczne wyrwanie zeba, jestem bardzo zadowolona. Panie Stomatolog wykazaly sie bardzo duzym profesjonalizmem, za wszelka cene probowaly ratowac zeba. Swoja empata, zyczliwoscia, dokladnoscia, sprawily ze nigdy w zyciu nie czulam sie tak zaopiekowania. Mimo napietego grafiku, znalazly Panie sekunde, aby zadzwonic i zapytac o stan zdrowia. Jestem pelna uznania i wdziecznosci. Polecam serdecznie.
Z wielka radoscia chcialbym podzielic sie moim entuzjastycznym doswiadczeniem w Stomatologii w Zakopanem, gdzie doswiadczona stomatolog, Katarzyna Fudala Tecza, sprawila, ze moja wizyta byla nie tylko profesjonalna, ale takze przyjemna. Teraz, dzieki ich wysokiej jakosci leczeniu, jestem usmiechniety na wszystkie zeby i nic mi nie dolega. Goraco polecam kazdemu, kto szuka doskonalej opieki stomatologicznej!