ha-tohuruChi Ke Yi Yuan in Ueda | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Ueda, Japan specializes in Dental clinic and has earned a 3.4 rating.

About ha-tohuruChi Ke Yi Yuan

ha-tohuruChi Ke Yi Yuan (Dental clinic) is located at 519-10 Nakanojo, Ueda, Nagano 386-0034, Japan.

Other Category:

Dental clinic


Dental Filling, Dental Consultation, Dental Implant, Dental Crown, Root canal treatment, Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Braces

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 7000 (JPY)   29000 (JPY)
Root canal treatment: 49000 (JPY)   97000 (JPY)
Dental Filling: 4900 (JPY)   19000 (JPY)
Dental Clean and Polish: 3800 (JPY)   21000 (JPY)
Dental Implant: 220000 (JPY)   490000 (JPY)
Dental Braces: 370000 (JPY)   900000 (JPY)

Address & Location

ha-tohuruChi Ke Yi Yuan is located at 519-10 Nakanojo, Ueda, Nagano 386-0034, Japan.

3.4 out of 5.0 stars

Ta noChi Yi Zhe gadokomo(Shao nakutomo3keSuo )Chu Zhen noYu Yue Shou keFu ketenaiZhong , Ji Huan toiukotodeRu reteitadaita. hutsuuniHua moWen itekurerushi, De Que naShuo Ming toChu Zhi woshitekuretatoSi imasu.
Shou Fu noJi Qi deShou Jian Qu tsutetaEr Yuan ioziisannimoXian Sheng Zi raQin Shen niDui Ying saretemashita.
Chi Ke Jian Zhen shi, Chong Chi Zhi Liao shimashita. Zhi Liao Chang Suo noYin Chi niXi Jian gaariChi gadameninarimashita.
matakuri-ningumoShou Huang nisare, Kou noZhong gaXie darake. annaZa nakuri-ninguChu metedeshita.
oQuan meshimasen. Xing kareruJi hagoZhu Yi Xia sai.
hiaringumoZhi Liao noShuo Ming moBu Shi Fen toGan zimashita.
Bu An woGan zitanode, Zhi Liao wooDuan rishimashita.
Shuo Ming woLi Jie saseruShe Bei moZhuo ishiChi Ke Yi sanhayatsutsukeGan gaatsute2Du toXing kimasen

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