Jin Wei Chi Ke Yi Yuan in Fukuyama | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Fukuyama, Japan specializes in Dental clinic and has earned a 4.6 rating.

About Jin Wei Chi Ke Yi Yuan

Jin Wei Chi Ke Yi Yuan (Dental clinic) is located at 1 Chome-31-25 Daimoncho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 721-0926, Japan.

Other Category:

Dental clinic


Dental Implant, Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Consultation, Dental Filling, Root canal treatment, Dental Braces, Dental Crown

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 5200 (JPY)   28000 (JPY)
Root canal treatment: 35000 (JPY)   89000 (JPY)
Dental Filling: 4000 (JPY)   19000 (JPY)
Dental Clean and Polish: 3800 (JPY)   21000 (JPY)
Dental Implant: 220000 (JPY)   400000 (JPY)
Dental Braces: 320000 (JPY)   900000 (JPY)

Address & Location

Jin Wei Chi Ke Yi Yuan is located at 1 Chome-31-25 Daimoncho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 721-0926, Japan.
Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors

4.6 out of 5.0 stars

Xian Sheng wohazimeZhu Shou sannoDui Ying haSu Qing rashiidesu.
Dang tariQian desuga, chiyantoShuo Ming wosaretekaraZhi Liao niRu rimasushi, sonoDu Du Tong minoQue Ren woWen itekudasarimasu.
Dai chiShi Jian gaShao nainomoXi shiidesu.
Ci Hui noYu Yue , Zhi Liao Fei noGao Zhi Deng moshitsukaritoshiteDing keteAn Xin shiteZhi Liao gaChu Lai masu.
Yi Yuan Nei haQing Sao hashitsukarisareteite, Mu noWen kamigaariQi Fen De niLuo chiZhao iteiraremasu.
Jin ha, iiXian Sheng deXian mashiidesu!Xian Dai noXian Sheng haYi Di E deShi Jian gaLai temoYi Liao Quan dato, Chai Bie sarete, Er Shi Dai noQing deshitaga, She Hui Bao Xian noBen Ren niCheng ri, Ta noChi Ke nikakatsute, Jin , Wu Liu Sui desuga, Zong Ru reChi desu!Ben Dang niShi Dai gaBian watsutandesunee
Xian Dai karaYin kiJi garetaNu Xing noXian Sheng gaDing Zhu naZhi Liao woShi shitekuremasu. Chi Yi Zhe gaXian deshiyouganakatsutaSi desuga, Xian Sheng haTong mimohotondonakuZhi Liao shitekudasarunodeZhu karimasu. mataCi Hui noZhi Liao noooyosonoJin E moJiao etekudasarunodeZhu karimasu.

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