Kajima Dental Clinic in Tokoname | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Tokoname, Japan specializes in Dentist and has earned a 3.6 rating.

About Kajima Dental Clinic

Kajima Dental Clinic (Dentist) is located at 1 Chome-228-2 Kajimadai, Tokoname, Aichi 479-0873, Japan.

Other Category:



Root canal treatment, Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Implant, Dental Filling, Dental Braces, Dental Consultation, Dental Crown

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 8700 (JPY)   28000 (JPY)
Root canal treatment: 32000 (JPY)   90000 (JPY)
Dental Filling: 4400 (JPY)   18000 (JPY)
Dental Clean and Polish: 3700 (JPY)   21000 (JPY)
Dental Implant: 230000 (JPY)   450000 (JPY)
Dental Braces: 370000 (JPY)   910000 (JPY)

Address & Location

Kajima Dental Clinic is located at 1 Chome-228-2 Kajimadai, Tokoname, Aichi 479-0873, Japan.

3.6 out of 5.0 stars

Shu Nian hodokochiradeDing Qi De nikuri-ninguwoShou ketariQin Bu Zhi mo1Hui Ba Chi shiteitadakimashita.
Xian Sheng hatotemoYao gaDi itaipudeShuo Ming moDing Zhu desu, Za danatoGan zitakotohaarimasendeshita.
Ba Chi Shi niOu Tu Fan She gaQiang ikotowoChuan erutoMa Zui noLiang woDuo meniDui Ying shitemoraeteZhu karimashita.
Si gaZhuan Ju shitanodemouTong enainogatotemoCan Nian desu.
Can Ye deXing kenakutekiyanseruwokaketeYu Yue woQu rutoXing kenakatsutaShi niMi Huo gakakarunodemataLian Luo sasetemoraimasutoLian Luo shitaraZhen Cha woJu Fou sareta

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