LAMA CLINIC Stomatologia Mokotow – protetyka, implantologia Warszawa – licowki, protezy zebowe – endodoncja in Mokotow | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Mokotow, Poland specializes in Dental clinic and has earned a 5 rating.

About LAMA CLINIC Stomatologia Mokotow – protetyka, implantologia Warszawa – licowki, protezy zebowe – endodoncja

LAMA CLINIC Stomatologia Mokotow – protetyka, implantologia Warszawa – licowki, protezy zebowe – endodoncja (Dental clinic) is located at Bukowinska 2, 02-703 Warszawa, Poland.

Other Category:

Dental clinic, Dental hygienist, Dental implants periodontist, Dental radiology, Dentist, Endodontist, Oral surgeon, Pediatric dentist, Prosthodontist, Teeth whitening service


Dental Consultation, Dental Braces, Root canal treatment, Dental Implant, Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Crown, Dental Filling

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 320 (PLN)   1000 (PLN)
Root canal treatment: 430 (PLN)   1100 (PLN)
Dental Filling: 210 (PLN)   350 (PLN)
Dental Clean and Polish: 240 (PLN)   390 (PLN)
Dental Implant: 4100 (PLN)   6400 (PLN)
Dental Braces: 4300 (PLN)   14000 (PLN)

Address & Location

LAMA CLINIC Stomatologia Mokotow – protetyka, implantologia Warszawa – licowki, protezy zebowe – endodoncja is located at Bukowinska 2, 02-703 Warszawa, Poland.
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0.0 out of 5.0 stars0.0

I recently visited this dental clinic for a cleaning and oral hygiene session and was highly satisfied. The clinic is clean and well-organized, which creates a positive impression.

The doctors speak multiple languages, making communication easy. The procedure was conducted with great care and attention to detail. After the cleaning, I received useful recommendations on maintaining my oral health. Additionally, I was given samples of the recommended products, which was a nice touch.

Overall, my visit was very satisfactory, and I will recommend this clinic to others.

Posetili s synom dannuiu kliniku dlia professional’noi gigieny zubov. Ochen’ raspologaiushchaia atmosfera i ulybchivyi personal. Vnutri vse chisto i vygliadit klinika priiatno – dazhe ne chuvstvuesh’ sebia kak v stomatologii. Chto kasaetsia protsedury, Pani Agata Piasecka byla maksimal’no delikatnoi s rebionkom, veselila i otvlekala vo vremia chistki, prokonsul’tirovala ob ukhode za rotovoi polost’iu. Posle protsedury rebionok poluchil podarok, kotoryi vybiral sam iz mnozhestva predlozhennykh 🙂
Rekomenduiu! Odnoznachno pridiom tuda snova!
Odwiedzilem doktor Klaudie Korczak na higiene i jestem calkowicie zadowolony: opowiadala, co robi, wyjasnila, co robie zle podczas mycia. Pomimo bardzo wrazliwych dziasel, troche bolalo tylko kilka razy, doktor wszystko widziala, pytala, czy wszystko w porzadku, i pomagala, jesli bylo niewygodnie. Na koniec dala zalecenia dotyczace mycia i wyboru pasty. Polecam!

Are you a patient at LAMA CLINIC Stomatologia Mokotow – protetyka, implantologia Warszawa – licowki, protezy zebowe – endodoncja? We would love to hear about your experience! Please share your feedback below: