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Medicover Stomatologia Gdansk in Gdansk | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More
Located in Gdansk, Poland specializes in Dental clinic and has earned a 4.6 rating.
About Medicover Stomatologia Gdansk
Medicover Stomatologia Gdansk (Dental clinic) is located at aleja Grunwaldzka 472e, 80-309 Gdansk, Poland.
Other Category:
Dental clinic, Dental hygienist, Dental implants periodontist, Dentist, Endodontist, Oral surgeon, Orthodontist, Pediatric dentist, Periodontist, Prosthodontist
Dental Braces, Dental Filling, Dental Crown, Root canal treatment, Dental Implant, Dental Consultation, Dental Clean and Polish
Average Prices (minimum – maximum):
Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 200 (PLN) 1100 (PLN)
Root canal treatment: 410 (PLN) 1100 (PLN)
Dental Filling: 180 (PLN) 390 (PLN)
Dental Clean and Polish: 240 (PLN) 300 (PLN)
Dental Implant: 3800 (PLN) 7100 (PLN)
Dental Braces: 4300 (PLN) 14000 (PLN)
Address & Location
Medicover Stomatologia Gdansk is located at aleja Grunwaldzka 472e, 80-309 Gdansk, Poland.

Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors
4.6 out of 5.0 stars
Not happy with the service and decided to try another dentist clinic.
– we never started on time, even when I was the very first client for the day
– I started with full check up which was not included in my package. Although I have chosen a doctor who is supposed to speak English, that was not the case. The administrator insisted that I come earlier, although I tried to politely reject. The teeth scan was included in the price and was not done because some machine was broken. – last time they simply canceled my visit which I discovered via an email. This was the point when I decided not to come again, because I am a client after all and I don’t want to come when it’s convenient for the doctor, but when it’s convenient for me.
Scoring 2 stars, not 1 because of the doctors work and because they always know what has to be done without me keeping the track of the situation.
– we never started on time, even when I was the very first client for the day
– I started with full check up which was not included in my package. Although I have chosen a doctor who is supposed to speak English, that was not the case. The administrator insisted that I come earlier, although I tried to politely reject. The teeth scan was included in the price and was not done because some machine was broken. – last time they simply canceled my visit which I discovered via an email. This was the point when I decided not to come again, because I am a client after all and I don’t want to come when it’s convenient for the doctor, but when it’s convenient for me.
Scoring 2 stars, not 1 because of the doctors work and because they always know what has to be done without me keeping the track of the situation.
Z Medicover Stomatologia jestem zwiazana juz ok 10 lat, z kazda wizyta czuje sie coraz bardziej zaopiekowania.
Zaczynajac od samej placowki, elegancki wystroj, az przyjemnie czekac na wizyte.
Pani Kasia z recepcji, przesympatyczna, a swoim podejsciem i zaangazowaniem skutecznie niweluje stres zwiazany z wizyta nie tylko u doroslych ale rowniez u dzieci.
dr Patryk Kononowicz, najlepszy stomatolog z jakim kiedykolwiek mialam do czynienia. Mam do niego pelne zaufanie ze odpowiednio pokieruje moje leczenie
dr Agnieszka Matkowska, specjalizujaca sie w periodontologii, podejscie do Pacjenta na bardzo wysokim poziomie, jako jedyna znalazla problem z ktorym borykalam sie kilka lat i przez innych lekarzy bylam odsylana.
Szczerze polecam zarowno sama placowke jak i specjalistow tam pracujacych.
Zaczynajac od samej placowki, elegancki wystroj, az przyjemnie czekac na wizyte.
Pani Kasia z recepcji, przesympatyczna, a swoim podejsciem i zaangazowaniem skutecznie niweluje stres zwiazany z wizyta nie tylko u doroslych ale rowniez u dzieci.
dr Patryk Kononowicz, najlepszy stomatolog z jakim kiedykolwiek mialam do czynienia. Mam do niego pelne zaufanie ze odpowiednio pokieruje moje leczenie
dr Agnieszka Matkowska, specjalizujaca sie w periodontologii, podejscie do Pacjenta na bardzo wysokim poziomie, jako jedyna znalazla problem z ktorym borykalam sie kilka lat i przez innych lekarzy bylam odsylana.
Szczerze polecam zarowno sama placowke jak i specjalistow tam pracujacych.
Cudowne miejsce wyglad placowki ekstra zapomnialem co to strach u dentysty, mega przesympatyczna obsluga w recepcji i oczywiscie lekarz, ktory prowadzil moja wizyte bardzo dobrze mnie obsluzyl. Rozwial wszystkie moje watpliwosci, nawet wydrukowal plan leczenia abym wiedzial na czym stoje, rowniez pani wykonujaca zdjecie szczeki mojej rowniez mega przesympatyczna, pomocna i pelna profesjonalizmu, moge polecic z czystym sumieniem.