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miyagiChi Ke Shi with KIDS Dentistry in Hamakita | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More
About miyagiChi Ke Shi with KIDS Dentistry
miyagiChi Ke Shi with KIDS Dentistry (Dental clinic) is located at 4 Chome-23-18 Somejidai, Bang Bei Qu Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 434-0046, Japan.
Other Category:
Dental clinic
Dental Filling, Dental Braces, Root canal treatment, Dental Implant, Dental Consultation, Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Crown
Average Prices (minimum – maximum):
Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 7000 (JPY) 29000 (JPY)
Root canal treatment: 34000 (JPY) 88000 (JPY)
Dental Filling: 4100 (JPY) 18000 (JPY)
Dental Clean and Polish: 3600 (JPY) 21000 (JPY)
Dental Implant: 210000 (JPY) 450000 (JPY)
Dental Braces: 380000 (JPY) 920000 (JPY)
Address & Location
miyagiChi Ke Shi with KIDS Dentistry is located at 4 Chome-23-18 Somejidai, Bang Bei Qu Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 434-0046, Japan.

3.1 out of 5.0 stars
Nei Zhuang noQing Jie Gan *Xian Sheng nooRen Bing (Nan Xing *Nu Xing Wen wazu)*Chi Ke Wei Sheng Shi sannooRen Bing haLiang katsutadesu.
Dan Dang noChi Ke Wei Sheng Shi noFang toXiang Xing gaE katsutanoka, guiguitoQi Ju deKou Heng woYin tsuZhang rareteQie ruShi gaShu Hui arimashita.
Ba Chi nitsuiteha, Ba Chi Hou 1Zhou Jian noDing Qi Jian Cha deChi noBa keCan rigaaruShi gaPan Ming .
Ba itaHou karaDing Qi Jian Cha noJian no1Zhou Jian haZhen Tong Ji wonondemozikuzikuto24Shi Jian Tong migatsuduiteimashita.
sonoChi noBa keCan riwoMa Zui woShi warezuniBa karetaShi gaZheng Zhi toraumareberudeTong kuBu katsutadesu.
Ba Chi shitaGe Suo Fu Jin noChi Mo kiniGuan shitemoChi Ke Wei Sheng Shi sangaRong She nakuyatsutekuruGan zideshita.
Bu inaXian danatoiuQi Chi chigaDa kikunatsutekiteiruSuo nanode, sorosoroBie noChi Yi Zhe heXing koutoSi tsuteimasu.
kure-mumitainaGan zideShu iteimasugaJue shitesoudehanaku, Zui Chu nimoShu kimashitagaoRen Bing haJie Liang iFang datoSi imashita.
tada, Zi Fen haDuan “toXing kuShi niZu gaZhong kunatsuteitsutanogaShi Shi desu.
Xian Sheng mosutatsuhumo, totemoDing Zhu deFen kariyasuiShuo Ming yaZi Gong gaBu garanaiYang niQi niGua keteZhi Liao shitekuremasu
nanode, Xi Zi haChi Yi Zhe niXing kunowomatsutakuBu garazuXi ndeTong Yuan shiteimasu
Nei Zhuang moQing Jie De deitsumoQi Li desu
Zhu Che Chang moTing meyasuidesu