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MK MicroDENTAL – Michal Klimas in Ostrava | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Ostrava, Czechia specializes in Dental clinic and has earned a 4.3 rating.

About MK MicroDENTAL – Michal Klimas

MK MicroDENTAL – Michal Klimas (Dental clinic) is located at Pustkovecka 39b, 708 00 Ostrava 8, Czechia.

Other Category:

Dental clinic


Dental Consultation, Root canal treatment, Dental Braces, Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Implant, Dental Filling, Dental Crown

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 920 (CZK)   2100 (CZK)
Root canal treatment: 2200 (CZK)   9500 (CZK)
Dental Filling: 930 (CZK)   2900 (CZK)
Dental Clean and Polish: 810 (CZK)   1900 (CZK)
Dental Implant: 14000 (CZK)   31000 (CZK)
Dental Braces: 13000 (CZK)   35000 (CZK)

Address & Location

MK MicroDENTAL – Michal Klimas is located at Pustkovecka 39b, 708 00 Ostrava 8, Czechia.

4.3 out of 5.0 stars

Yesterday (21st June) I visited the surgery for the first time. I will walk you through my excellent experience.
Parking – plenty of spaces available
First impressions – excellent. The surgery is completely new, clean, and fresh. Outside i sulation is being completed but the builders stopped to let patients in and help them with the door.
Check in/reception – i was welcomed by the young lady at the reception with a warm and welcoming smile.
Documents – everything was managed by a tablet, easy to fill in form regarding medical history etc. The documents were emailed to me and SMS security code sent within seconds.
Waiting time – just 5 minutes after registration
X-ray – was taken while i waited for my appointment (before my due time). The young lady perfectly explained to me what to do/not do.
The Dentist – again a warm and welcoming smile, a firm handshake and a calming feeling.
Dr. Klimas thoroughly checked me over, took pictures of my mouth and explained everything to me as we went.
I had one specific problem we discussed, agreed on the course of treatment and booked the appointment.
Leaving – i paid my fee and left a happy man. Even the builders outside were polite and helpful.

Absolutely perfect service so far.

**update 22nd June 2022**
Today i returned for a check with the hygienist. Being the first visit to such a specialist in my life i was not sure what to expect.

The young lady hygienist (apologies i did not catch her name) again greated me with a beautiful smile, a handshake, and showed me into the surgery.

I spent a full 60 minutes there listening to her advice, have my teeth cleaned and polished, running through my brushing technique and how i can improve it, and answering all of my questions perfectly.

A 2nd pleasant and satisfying experince within 2 days. I would like to sincerely thank the hygienist for her thorough care, patience, and perfect politeness.

Some might find it funny but it has been a pleasure to visit the dentist (and hygienist)!!!

I read some reviews complaining about prices. My view is this…i would pay MUCH more for much less in the UK..IF i were even able to get an appointment.

I have no issue paying for quality, and i feel i got it with Dr Klimas and his team.

Many Czech companies could learn a lot in regards to customer service, a simple smile, and a warm friendly welcome.

Dr Klimas and team – absolutely fantastic, i appreciate your work and approach.

Benny Shingler

Bohuzel musim napsat spatnou recenzi.

Kdyz se tato klinika otevrela, byli jsme s manzelem nadseni, ze zde muzeme zaregistrovat syna (jelikoz nas zubar deti, ani nove klienty neprijima).

Hned, kdyz se klinika otevrela, jsem volala a syna objednala (dokonce, jsem vysvetlovala, ze nas zubar bohuzel deti nebere). Se sestrickou/recepcni jsem resila, na kdy ho objedname, jelikoz je miminko a tak jsme navstevu naplanovali okolo 1.roku. Zadny naznak jakeholiv problemu.

Dnes jsme prisli na objednany termin a na recepci nam bylo sdeleno, ze deti neberou pokud u nich neni zaregistovany alespon jeden z rodicu ..?? To je snad vtip? Byli jsme radi, ze budeme mit pro syna zubare, kdyz je ted opravdu problem ho najit. Ale bohuzel, pokud se nezaregistruje i rodic (aby z toho byly penize, protoze z maleho ditete toho moc nebude .. tak to na nas pusobi) tak mate smulu.

Takze pokud jste byli radi, ze je v Ostrave nova klinika a budete mit pro sve dite zubare , ale vy si tuto kliniku nemuzete dovolit z financnich duvodu nebo mate sveho zubare, ktery neprijima (jako v nasem pripade) tak mate smulu.

Za nas velke zklamani a muzeme “vesele” hledat dale.

Zasadne nedoporucuji. Jak uz tady nekdo psal, vybira 932 Kc za registraci (bezduvodne obohaceni), rika tomu uvodni konzultace ci lecebny plan. Smlouvu ma s pojistovnou, ale odmita osetreni hrazene z pojisteni realizovat!!! Znacne vam tvrdit, jak je osetreni hrazeni pojistovnou nekvalitni nebo lzive tvrdi, ze ho pojistovna neproplaci. Zaplatite i extrakci, kterou pojistovna hradi a na danovy doklad vam napise, ze jste platili za uplne neco jineho!!!!
Navic ma dluhy, takze se na splatky pujcky snazi dostat penize od pacientu.

Martina Rolna: nehlaste jeho chovani na krajsky urad a pojistovnu, tohle si nemuze dovolit. Zakona jasne upravuje, za jakych podminek vas muze odmitnout registrovat. Vas pripad mezi ne nepatri. Musi vase dite prijmout. Ale vzhledem k tomu, jaky je to clovek, tak verte, ze jste o nic neprisla.

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