POLIMPLANT in Rejon Placu Swietego Macieja | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Rejon Placu Swietego Macieja, Poland specializes in Dentist and has earned a 4.7 rating.


POLIMPLANT (Dentist) is located at Biskupia 11, 50-148 Wroclaw, Poland.

Other Category:

Dentist, Cosmetic dentist, Dental clinic, Dental implants periodontist, Oral surgeon


Dental Braces, Dental Clean and Polish, Root canal treatment, Dental Implant, Dental Consultation, Dental Crown, Dental Filling

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 270 (PLN)   1000 (PLN)
Root canal treatment: 400 (PLN)   1100 (PLN)
Dental Filling: 200 (PLN)   310 (PLN)
Dental Clean and Polish: 230 (PLN)   330 (PLN)
Dental Implant: 3700 (PLN)   6600 (PLN)
Dental Braces: 4700 (PLN)   14000 (PLN)

Address & Location

POLIMPLANT is located at Biskupia 11, 50-148 Wroclaw, Poland.

4.7 out of 5.0 stars

Klinika stomatologiczna Polimplant bardzo pozytywnie mnie zaskoczyla. Czysta estetyczna i przede wszystkim pracuja tam znakomici dentysci. Jesli ktos szuka dobrego stomatologa moze smialo udac sie wlasnie tutaj, polecam!
Moim zdaniem jedna z najlepszych klinik we Wroclawiu. Swietne podejscie do pacjenta i fachowa obsluga. Goraco polecam.

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