Smile.up Clinicas Dentarias Viseu 2 in Viseu | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Viseu, Portugal specializes in Dental clinic and has earned a 4.9 rating.

About Smile.up Clinicas Dentarias Viseu 2

Smile.up Clinicas Dentarias Viseu 2 (Dental clinic) is located at Av. Dr. Alexandre Alves 266 Loja 1 e 2, 3500-612 Viseu, Portugal.

Other Category:

Dental clinic


Dental Braces, Dental Consultation, Dental Implant, Dental Filling, Dental Crown, Root canal treatment, Dental Clean and Polish

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 50 (EUR)   190 (EUR)
Root canal treatment: 160 (EUR)   720 (EUR)
Dental Filling: 40 (EUR)   140 (EUR)
Dental Clean and Polish: 30 (EUR)   110 (EUR)
Dental Implant: 950 (EUR)   1900 (EUR)
Dental Braces: 980 (EUR)   3200 (EUR)

Address & Location

Smile.up Clinicas Dentarias Viseu 2 is located at Av. Dr. Alexandre Alves 266 Loja 1 e 2, 3500-612 Viseu, Portugal.

4.9 out of 5.0 stars

Mein Weisheitszahn war abgebrochen. Daraufhin bei Ihnen zur Reparatur gegangen. Freundliche Bedienung aber schreckliche
Qualitat.Bei der ersten Behandlung haben sie mir das angefullt. 1 Stunde spater bereits die Fullung abgebrochen. Zweiten Termin haben sie es anstandslos wieder repariert. Jedoch zwei Wochen spater wieder die Zahnfullung abgebrochen. Bleaching kann ich nicht beurteilen aber fur Reparatur Sachen an den Zahnen nicht zu empfehlen.
Would like to review a 0 start for customer service. Cannot review the actual dental service because I left before that. I sat around waiting for my appointment with 0 communication from staff it was running 30min late when I decided to stand up and leave. To then be told oh your going in now when noone actually leaving or arriving. Won’t be returning
Recomendo esta clinica a 100%.
Hoje cheguei la com imensas dores e sai de la com a extracao de um siso, com um processo rapido e completamente indolor.
Atendimento super atencioso e todos os profissionais envolvidos foram 5*.
Estao mesmo de parabens pela atitude, cuidado e simpatia.

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