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Studio Buda in Posillipo | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More
Located in Posillipo, Italy specializes in Dentist and has earned a 4.8 rating.
About Studio Buda
Studio Buda (Dentist) is located at Via Alessandro Manzoni, 184, 80123 Napoli NA, Italy.
Other Category:
Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Consultation, Dental Braces, Dental Implant, Dental Filling, Root canal treatment, Dental Crown
Average Prices (minimum – maximum):
Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 50 (EUR) 220 (EUR)
Root canal treatment: 200 (EUR) 530 (EUR)
Dental Filling: 70 (EUR) 160 (EUR)
Dental Clean and Polish: 70 (EUR) 160 (EUR)
Dental Implant: 1200 (EUR) 2900 (EUR)
Dental Braces: 1800 (EUR) 3700 (EUR)
Address & Location
Studio Buda is located at Via Alessandro Manzoni, 184, 80123 Napoli NA, Italy.

Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors
4.8 out of 5.0 stars
My experience with Studio Buda has been fantastic! The quality of dental treatment and service they provide has been outstanding. Their dedication, professionalism, friendliness and, ability to make me feel comfortable while administrating immediate care, has been first class. In addition, the skill level of Dott Buda’s staff technicians and doctors themselves reflect gentleness in their performance of required procedures. I must say that they truly care about the results of the work and service they provide.
I believe we can all attest that a good dental clinic should have highly skilled and qualified dentists and technicians in all dental specialties. The dentists should have the experience needed to diagnose and treat the most complex problems without any difficulty. Above all, they should have the knowledge and expertise to handle any case. Let me just say that Studio Buda meets this criterion.
Finally, I would like to once again, express my gratitude to Dott Buda and his exceptional staff of their work.
I believe we can all attest that a good dental clinic should have highly skilled and qualified dentists and technicians in all dental specialties. The dentists should have the experience needed to diagnose and treat the most complex problems without any difficulty. Above all, they should have the knowledge and expertise to handle any case. Let me just say that Studio Buda meets this criterion.
Finally, I would like to once again, express my gratitude to Dott Buda and his exceptional staff of their work.
Fino a circa 20 anni fa andare dal dentista per me era un incubo. L’incontro con il dott. Massimo Buda mi ha “guarita” nel senso che sottopormi a cure odontoiatriche presso lo Studio del Dott. Buda, non mi procura piu ne ansie ne paure. Mi sottopongo alle stesse con serenita grazie alla professionalita, signorilita e gentilezza sia del dott. Buda, grande professionista sempre all’avanguardia, che del suo Staff altamente qualificato. E superfluo dire che tutti gli ambienti sono al massimo dell’igiene , direi sterilizzati. Pochi giorni fa mi sono sottoposta ad un intervento odontoiatrico che, anche grazie ad alcuni dispositivi medici Taopatch applicatimi sia dul viso che sui polsi, non mi ha procurato alcun fastidio. Sono tornata a casa tranquilla e rilassata e senza alcun dolore post intervento. Grazie dott. Buda , non la cambierei per nessuna ragione al mondo.
Il mio dentista di fiducia! Non posso che consigliare il Dott Buda e tutto il suo staff: tutti super professionali, gentili, puntuali, disponibili e attenti. Il Dott Buda segue mia figlia da anni, da quando ha avuto un trauma dentale da piccola a scuola e nel tempo per qualsiasi controllo non ho mai avuto dubbi a tornare da lui, nonostante il fatto che abitiamo a distanza. Top.