Tandartspraktijk Gijs Tettelaar in Haarlem | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Haarlem, Netherlands specializes in Dental clinic and has earned a 4.5 rating.

About Tandartspraktijk Gijs Tettelaar

Tandartspraktijk Gijs Tettelaar (Dental clinic) is located at Zijlweg 63, 2013 DC Haarlem, Netherlands.

Other Category:

Dental clinic


Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Filling, Root canal treatment, Dental Braces, Dental Crown, Dental Consultation, Dental Implant

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 80 (EUR)   190 (EUR)
Root canal treatment: 140 (EUR)   250 (EUR)
Dental Filling: 30 (EUR)   130 (EUR)
Dental Clean and Polish: 50 (EUR)   160 (EUR)
Dental Implant: 1700 (EUR)   2600 (EUR)
Dental Braces: 2400 (EUR)   3000 (EUR)

Address & Location

Tandartspraktijk Gijs Tettelaar is located at Zijlweg 63, 2013 DC Haarlem, Netherlands.
Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors

4.5 out of 5.0 stars

The doctor is good. Quick and efficient.

But I have to say the cleaning service I received was the worst ever. You have to constantly turn your head during the wash. Really??
And the hygienist were asking me to use these soft picks instead of floss. And she spent extra 10 mins and I got charged for it. This is a cost that I wasn’t informed before hand. I can easily look up online and spend 0.
I will never return again.

Vriendelijke, cooperatieve en goed luisterende tandarts. Merkbaar jaren ervaring in het vak, werkt snel en netjes. Legt uitgebreid uit wat er te wachten staat, of wat eventuele alternatieve opties zijn. Heeft tevens twee dagen per week mondhygieniste in huis.
Ik ben al meer dan 30 jaar patient bij Gijs Tettelaar en ben nog steeds zeer tevreden.

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