Centre Dentaire Ste-Foy in Quebec | Locations, Category, Services Offered, Prices List, Top Ratings, Prices, Reviews & More

Located in Quebec, Canada specializes in Dental clinic and has earned a 4.8 rating.

About Centre Dentaire Ste-Foy

Centre Dentaire Ste-Foy (Dental clinic) is located at 2145 Ch Ste-Foy, Quebec, QC G1V 1S1, Canada.

Other Category:

Dental clinic, Dentist


Root canal treatment, Dental Implant, Dental Filling, Dental Consultation, Dental Crown, Dental Clean and Polish, Dental Braces

Average Prices (minimum – maximum):

Dental prices:
Tooth extraction: 150 (CAD)   340 (CAD)
Root canal treatment: 640 (CAD)   1400 (CAD)
Dental Filling: 170 (CAD)   380 (CAD)
Dental Clean and Polish: 90 (CAD)   170 (CAD)
Dental Implant: 2600 (CAD)   4700 (CAD)
Dental Braces: 3300 (CAD)   6300 (CAD)

Address & Location

Centre Dentaire Ste-Foy is located at 2145 Ch Ste-Foy, Quebec, QC G1V 1S1, Canada.

4.8 out of 5.0 stars

First of all, it took more than 5 weeks for this clinic to repair a porcelain veneer which cost me over $1800.00. I was given a temporary replacement tooth to wear for 5 weeks that looked awful, which broke off twice, requiring 2 extra visits to the clinic, equaling a total of 4 visits to finally replace my veneer. Secondly, at a later appointment, I was given a check up with xrays and dental cleaning. Due to their poor scheduling, they were unable to complete all procedures in one session. I had to book another session to complete the dental cleaning. Due to this, my insurance company will not cover the second visit. This clinic should have known this at the time. I was treated very well by Dr. Delisle and the dental hygenist but Dr. St. Jean was quite abrupt and rude to me at my first visit. Furthermore, on my 2nd visit, I had a student assisting with a filling replacement on one tooth. I was neither introduced nor asked permission if this was okay with me. I might expect that from a teaching hospital or clinic, not a private clinic. I won’t go back to this clinic.
*UPDATE: Clinic called me to offer excuses for bad experience. Reason given by clinic was that I was treated during vacation time, in March and April?! Shake my head.

Tout d’abord, il a fallu plus de 5 semaines a cette clinique pour reparer une facette en porcelaine, ce qui m’a coute plus de 1 800,00 $. On m’a donne une dent de remplacement temporaire a porter pendant 5 semaines qui avait l’air horrible, qui s’est cassee deux fois, necessitant 2 visites supplementaires a la clinique, soit un total de 4 visites pour enfin remplacer ma facette. Deuxiemement, lors d’un rendez-vous ulterieur, j’ai eu un controle avec radiographies et nettoyage dentaire. En raison de leur mauvais emploi du temps, ils n’ont pas pu terminer toutes les procedures en une seule seance. J’ai du reserver une autre seance pour terminer le nettoyage dentaire. Pour cette raison, ma compagnie d’assurance ne couvrira pas la deuxieme visite. Cette clinique aurait du le savoir a l’epoque. J’ai ete tres bien traite par le Dr Delisle et l’hygeniste dentaire mais le Dr St. Jean a ete assez brusque et impoli avec moi lors de ma premiere visite. De plus, lors de ma deuxieme visite, un etudiant m’a aide a remplacer une obturation sur une dent. On ne m’a ni presente ni demande la permission si cela me convenait. Je pourrais m’attendre a cela de la part d’un hopital ou d’une clinique universitaire, pas d’une clinique privee. Je ne retournerai pas dans cette clinique.

*MISE A JOUR : Clinique m’appelee pour proposer des excuses pour une mauvaise experience. La raison invoquee par la clinique etait que j’avais ete soigne pendant les vacances, en mars et avril?! Secoues ma tete.

I’m really enjoy the service at the center. I appreciate all the people who take care of me when I come, both the secretary, the dentist and the dental assistant. Thank you so much, I certainly return when needed and surely recommend to my family and friends.

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